Brand Strategy Pacific Heights is arguably the most expensive place to live in the country. A culture of blue bloods and tech millionaires. With this in mind, it was imperative we position The Pacific to market to both segments. Inspired by luxury homes in Paris and London, we created something that San Francisco has never seen before — An amalgamation of old-world luxury with modern day opulence.

Photography Style What would it look like to wear glamorous evening gowns and tuxedos and well... just hang out around the house? Well, we wanted to find out. Using CG renderings, we superimposed our fabulously dressed models in different scenarios. Dramatically lounging on a chaise lounge with a man randomly leaning on the wall, an awkward moment in the kitchen, a mom performing hamlet in front of her child. We wanted to showcase an over-the-top sense of luxury and we didn't hold back.

Design Direction We focused the design around great imagery. Taking cues from our concept of "modern reflection of timeless elegance ," we created mirrored imagery that symbolized luxury and wealth. We wanted to keep the designs simple with just the right amount of sophistication and charm. Think Breakfast at Tiffany's...

Interactive Design The brief was simple, create a website as beautiful as the building. Our strategy? Make the website as visually stunning as possible, focusing on large imagery and adding subtle details of gold and elegant type. By adding parallaxing, we were able to control the narrative by spacing out content so each detail was highlighted. Sure we could’ve made a simple website with images and information. But what would be the fun in that.